It Starts with the Plant

While the AgriFORCE team has done a deep dive into the challenges of today’s agricultural practices and processes, you don’t have to be a subject matter expert to know that things have to change when it comes to the food supply chain – starting with how fruits and vegetables are grown.

The increasing scarcity of arable land is driving the global indoor farming market. Many experts predict that conventional farming – which uses vast amounts of land because it can only expand horizontally – is increasingly unsustainable. We need to find a way to meet the growing global demand for food. We have the opportunity to make food clean, green and local. It should also taste good – no more of that tasteless produce that always disappoints.

At AgriFORCE, our intellectual property focuses on our four pillars:

  • Facility and lighting design
  • Automation and artificial intelligence
  • Fertigation and nutrients
  • Micropropagation and genetics

Over the next four weeks, I am going to share a little bit about each pillar, so those who might be interested can get a better idea of what we’re working on here at AgriFORCE. We plan to disrupt the agricultural industry with a new model that redefines the gold standard for indoor growing. Around the office, we call it the “AgriFORCE Good Grow Standard.” We think that might catch on, don’t you?

We believe that everyone in the world should have access to affordable, sustainable, good-tasting, locally harvested and nutrient-rich produce. And we’re going to do something about that.

Ingo Mueller, CEO for AgriFORCE Growing Systems, is currently working from his home office in West Vancouver, British Columbia. He continues to connect with the AgriFORCE team, strategic partners and others around the world – whether that is in California, New York or several other states where AgriFORCE has business interests. He is also in constant contact with our partners in Europe, as we raise the flag there for AgriFORCE and the company’s unique (and proprietary) facility design and automated growing system.   

The Notes from the CEO happen when Ingo gets a bit of time to share his perspective on the world of AgTech, the AgriFORCE team, work/life balance and his vision for creating positive change in the world.