UN(THINK) Foods: Facts and Claims

At UN(THINK) we believe that trust must be earned, and transparency is key. Here you will find facts and sources for the information we provide in our websites, marketing materials and other communications. We have tried to be comprehensive, but if you have questions or comments, do not hesitate to reach out.

Using our patented process we improve the nutritional qualities of grains, roots and pulses-based food ingredients. This includes higher levels of protein, fiber and lower net carbs.

  • Higher Protein – Independent studies conducted by EuroFins confirm that our Awakened Flour has 5.5gr of protein vs x 3gr for regular all-purpose flour, and our Power Flour has 9.4gr of protein vs x 3gr for regular all-purpose flour. (serving size = 30gr)
  • Higher Fiber – Independent studies conducted by EuroFins confirm that our Awakened Flour has 4.4gr of Fiber vs x >1gr for regular all-purpose flour, and our Power Flour has 12gr of Fiber vs x >1gr for regular all-purpose flour. (serving size = 30gr)
  • Lower net carbs – Independent studies conducted by EuroFins confirm that our Awakened Flour has 17gr of Net Carb vs x 22gr for regular all-purpose flour, and our Power Flour has 5gr of Net Carbs vs x 22gr for regular all-purpose flour. Net Carbs is calculated by subtracting fiber from total carbs. (serving size = 30gr)
  • Vitamins and Minerals – Research indicates that sprouting breaks down antinutrients in whole grains, increasing the bioavailabilty of vitamins and minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and B vitamins, so your body can absorb them. – Lemmens, E., Moroni, A., Pagand, J., Heiraut, P., Ritala, A., Karlen, Y., Le, K.A., Van den Broeck, H., Brouns, F., De Brier, N., Delcour, J., Impact of Cereal Seed Sprouting on Its Nutritional and Technological Properties: A Critical Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 12 Dec. 2018.
  • Improved Digestion – Research suggests that sprouted wheat is more digestible than unsprouted wheat. In sprouted wheat, in vitro starch digestibly improves by about 15%, while in vitro protein digestibility improves by about 10%. – Singh, A., Bobade, H., Sharma, S. et al., Enhancement of Digestibility of Nutrients (In vitro), Antioxidant Potential and Functional Attributes of Wheat Flour Through Grain Germination. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 76, 118–124 (2021), 26 February 2021. Enzymes activated by sprouting improve the digestibility of wheat by breaking down starch and proteins. Total free amino acids (the building blocks of protein) in sprouted wheat are significantly higher than in unsprouted wheat. – Van Hung P, Maeda T, Morita N. Improvement of nutritional composition and antioxidant capacity of high-amylose wheat during germination. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015 Oct;52(10):6756-62. Some people find sprouted grains easier to digest than unsprouted ones in part because sprouting reduces gluten in wheat5. – Kucek, L.K., Veenstra, L.D., Amnuaycheewa, P. and Sorrells, M.E., A Grounded Guide to Gluten: How Modern Genotypes and Processing Impact Wheat Sensitivity. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 14: 285-302, 2015.
  • Lower Glycemic Index – research suggests that although enzymes convert starches in sprouted whole grains into simpler sugars, sprouted whole grains may have a lower impact on glycemic response than non-sprouted grains. – Nelson, K., Stojanovska, L., Vasiljevic, T., Mathai, M., Germinated Grains: A Superior Whole Grain Functional Food? Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2013, 91:429-441.
  • Better Tasting – Sprouting tempers bitterness of tannins, saponins, and other antinutrients in grains. And it changes the natural compounds like flavonoids and phenols that give foods flavor, so sprouted grains and seeds have a more complex flavor profile than their unsprouted counterparts. – Finnie, S., Brovelli, V., & Nelson, D., Sprouted grains as a food ingredient. In Sprouted Grains: Nutritional Value, Production, and Applications (pp. 113–142). AACC International via Elsevier, 2019.
  • 100% Natural – Our Awakened and Power flours have only one ingredient – Whole Kernel Wheat.
  • Non-GMO – Our grains are guaranteed to be Non-GMO by our outstanding suppliers.
  • Patented Technology – U.S. Patent (Allowed) No. 17/963,690, filed October 11, 2022